Room 2 2014

Room 2 2014

Thursday 29 October 2015

Seed Planting

Seed Planting

Fire Safety

Fire Safety

This term Te Waharua are learning about 'Fire Safety'.
We have learnt about...

  • Safe and unsafe fire
  • Tools and toys
  • Matches, candles and lighters
  • Stop, drop and roll
  • Get out, stay out, well done
  • Get down, get low, get out and yell FIRE,FIRE, FIRE
  • Evacuation plans
  • Ring 111
We were lucky enough to have the fire service visit. The firemen read us a story about what to do in a fire and answered our questions. Afterward we were allowed to go and see the fire truck. It was great, because we got to have a go with the fire hose!
Check out the pictures below!!

Friday 18 September 2015


School Production

Last night Waikanae School had their 'Show Time' Production at the Memorial Hall. It was a a wonderful day! The children and teachers put on two shows. The night time performance was sold out! Room 2 did a dance to 'Cotton Eye Joe'. It was amazing. 
What a great production, we all had an amazing time!
Check out the Cowgirls and Cowboy below...

Monday 24 August 2015

Balance Robots

Balance Robots

During our science experiment we learnt about gravity, center of gravity and forces.
We had lots of fun balancing our robots on all kinds of surfaces...even Mr Bunny!!

Thursday 13 August 2015



Yesterday Room 2 did a science experiment using glow sticks. 
We had both hot and cold water in separate cups. 
First we tested the temperature of the water using thermometres. 
We then cracked our glow sticks. 
Then we put the glow sticks into the cold and warm water to see the different reactions. 
We learnt that the glow sticks are glow brighter in the warm water. 
The glow sticks were quite dim in the cold water and lost their energy. 
It was fun playing and experimenting. 
Check out the photos...

Tuesday 11 August 2015



We had lots of fun playing with bubbles! 
We learnt about why we can see rainbow colours on the outside of a bubble. 
Colours are created by white light from the sun reflecting off objects. 
Watch the youtube clip to find out more...

Slime Science
