Our focus for topic this term has been technology and using the design process.
Before starting our unit on technology we brainstormed about what we thought technology is. We had to answer a range of questions like...
- What does technology do for us and how can it help us
- What can we see around us that uses technology
- What are some things in nature that don't need technology
After our brainstorms we came up with a definition of technology.
Room 2's Definition of Technology...
is made by people, scientists and machines, it helps us to build things and
make it easier to live"
Design Process
We learnt about the design process and the steps we have to follow when designing things.
We followed the model below when making our paper towers and teddy bear chairs.
Paper Towers
As a practice run of using the design process we made paper towers out of 6 pieces of paper. The towers had to be able to hold a cup without collapsing or the cup falling off. We followed the design process. Here are our towers we had fun creating with a buddy.
Teddy Bear Chairs
We then made Teddy Bear Chairs. We did a lot of background research about what a chair needs to be safe, comfortable and attractive. We came up with a success criteria for our Teddy Chairs that we assessed our chairs against once they were finished.
Our success criteria for our chairs was...
- Is your Teddy Chair safe? Does it have arms, legs, back, stability, appropriate height?
- Is it strong enough to hold your teddy?
- Is your chair colourful and decorative?
- Is your chair one of a kind
- Is your chair comfortable
Check out our completed Teddy Chairs below... we loved creating our chairs!