Room 2 2014

Room 2 2014

Thursday 29 August 2013

Cool School's

I Statements...

We are learning about what conflict is and how to solve our conflicts/ problems ourselves, or by using a peer mediator to guide us towards finding solutions to our problems.

Today we worked in buddies to come up with "I Statements" so that we can use them in different situations to show how we are feeling and why we are feeling this way. 

An I statement should look like this...

I feel...

Here are some of our responses along with the different scenarios

"Stop bugging me. Can't you see I've got things to do?"
  • I feel angry when you talk to me like that because it hurts my feelings By Wyatt and Nathan
  • I feel furious when you talk to me like that because it is really mean. By Kayden and Miller
  •  I feel sad when you talked to me like that because I only wanted to tell you something. By Aimee and Delfi
  • I feel sad when you talk to me like that because it hurts my feelings. By Ciara and Ata
Your friend just called you a name that you really hate
  • I feel really sad and embarrassed when you call me that because that is mean. By James and Wade
  • I feel sad when you say that to me because it's annoying. By Ollie and Luc
  • I feel angry when you called names in front of the class because it made me upset. By Danny and Meretene
  • I feel really frustrated when i heard that because it really hurt my feeling and it nearly made me cry. By Ivan and Kees
"You always make me take out the rubbish"
  • I feel angry when you keep telling me to take the rubbish out because I do it all the time. By Paige and Dan
  • I feel really sad when you make me take out the rubbish because it is not my turn to take it out. By Caleb and Carter
Your best friend just brought back something they borrowed from you that is broken
  • I feel annoyed because I just bought that new train and i didn't want it broken. By Imogen and Callum
  • I feel sad because I let you borrow my toy and you broke it. I was going to play with it but now its broken. By Michael and Kai
  • I feel mad that you broke my toy because it is my favourite. By Katie and Jacob
  • I feel sad because you broke my toy when I wanted to play with it. By Renee and Jack

You friend helped you with some homework that you were having trouble with
  • I feel happy when you help me with my homework because it was really hard. By Faith and Lucas


  1. Great work Room 2. Your responses are fantastic. I'm going to show room 17 your blog tomorrow. It looks so good. WOW!
    Miss W

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really like your blog. Your responses are awesome.

  4. I love the conflict responses, I also think the little cartoon animals around you blog are AWESOME!

  5. Great work rm 2. I really enjoyed reading your responses about conflict. It was interesting to read about how you deal with conflict and what you think about it.

    Nicely done Room 2

    Emma. F

  6. Thanks for all the positive comments Room 17! We are really enjoying working on the blog! Room 2 had a look at some of you individual Blogs the other day, and we thought they were awesome! Keep up the great work :)

  7. What a great start to blogging Room 2. Well done. The 'Cool School' work is very useful.

  8. Great blog room two I really like the Dino quest stories.

  9. Great work room 2 i really like the Dine Quest stories ;)
