Room 2 2014

Room 2 2014

Monday 26 May 2014

Food of the Week...


Week 2's food of the week was Celery/Herewi. We found out Celery is a delicious and interesting vegetable! Check out some of the things we learnt below!
  • Did you know you can eat every part of the celery- stalks, leaves and seeds.
  • Celery is made up of 95% of water.
  • It takes around 110-130 days to grow.
  • Celery needs lots and lots of water!
  • We did a science experiment where we put the celery stalks into glass of water with food colouring. Over the course of the week we watched the stalks and leaves change to the colour of the water! It was amazing!!!
  • We stuffed celery with cream cheese, chives and lemons juice! We also tried it with some crunchy peanut butter. Yum yum!
  • Celery is a natural toothbrush. Because you have to chew it so much when you eat it.
Next week's food of the week is.... EGGS!!

Sunday 18 May 2014

Food of the Week...


Week 1's food of the week was Pumpkin/Paukena. We really enjoyed learning about this vegetable check out some of the things we learnt and did below.
  • Did you know the biggest pumpkin in the world weighed 911kg!! 
  • We learnt that in New Zealand we grow Crown, Butternut, Buttercup and Halloween pumpkins. 
  • We made delicious pumpkin dip made out of a Butternut pumpkin (Everyone tried it). 
  • We also did a science experiment to see whether pumpkin would sink of float. 
  • We found out that our cut up pieces of butternut pumpkin sunk but cut up pieces of crown pumpkin float, and that a whole pumpkin floats too not matter what kind! 
  • We tried pumpkin seeds and really liked them
  • We learnt that it takes around 110 days to grow a pumpkin and that they the seeds should be planted in November/December
We are all really looking forward to the new food of the week next week which is ....CELERY!

Check out this pumpkin paddling video!!!

What's for Lunch?

What's for Lunch?

This term Te Waharua are taking part in the What's for Lunch program. Every week there is a new food of the week that each class will be learning about, experimenting with and taste testing. The aim of this topic is to get kids excited about trying new foods and empower them to make healthy food choices!Term-two-foods


Crazy Scientist Show

Crazy Scientist Show

On Wednesday the whole of Waikanae school was lucky enough to be able to go to the 'Crazy Science Show'! We saw some amazing experiments such as elephant tooth paste, film canister rockets, floating ping pong balls and heaps more. Check out our photos below...


Keeping Ourselves Safe

This term one of our topic's is Keeping Ourselves Safe. Over the term we will be learning how to keep ourselves safe in all sorts of situations and how to express our feelings in the right way. Constable Jo came into our class the other day to introduce the topic to us, we also learnt a little bit about her job!

Friday 2 May 2014

Term 2

Term 2!


Easter activities

To celebrate Easter and the end of Term 1 Room 2 did lots of Easter activities. We made Easter Bunny masks, Easter Egg baskets, Easter word finds and colouring pages,went on an Easter Egg Hunt, and watched 'Hop' the movie!