Room 2 2014

Room 2 2014

Sunday 18 May 2014

Food of the Week...


Week 1's food of the week was Pumpkin/Paukena. We really enjoyed learning about this vegetable check out some of the things we learnt and did below.
  • Did you know the biggest pumpkin in the world weighed 911kg!! 
  • We learnt that in New Zealand we grow Crown, Butternut, Buttercup and Halloween pumpkins. 
  • We made delicious pumpkin dip made out of a Butternut pumpkin (Everyone tried it). 
  • We also did a science experiment to see whether pumpkin would sink of float. 
  • We found out that our cut up pieces of butternut pumpkin sunk but cut up pieces of crown pumpkin float, and that a whole pumpkin floats too not matter what kind! 
  • We tried pumpkin seeds and really liked them
  • We learnt that it takes around 110 days to grow a pumpkin and that they the seeds should be planted in November/December
We are all really looking forward to the new food of the week next week which is ....CELERY!

Check out this pumpkin paddling video!!!

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