Room 2 2014

Room 2 2014

Friday 28 March 2014


Large Ball Skills

Te Waharua's focus for PE this term is Large Ball Skills. We have been learning to hold the ball with both hands, and to make a 'W' shape with our fingers spread, and thumbs touching. Also we know to step forward to pass the ball and to step back when receiving. We have been enjoying having a go at shooting some goals in the shortest netball hoop. The whole of Room 2 have made big improvements in the short time we have been practicing! 
Have a look at our photos below....


  1. Great to see. Keep up the great work. Future Tall Blacks and Silver Ferns in the making.

  2. We have been practicing in the weekends too. Caylee got lots of balls in the hoop yesterday. Thanks for the support.

  3. Awesome Caylee!! You will be a pro in no time!!!
