Room 2 2014

Room 2 2014

Monday 9 June 2014

Food of the Week...


Week 4's food of the week was Capsicum/Rapikama. We really enjoyed trying the this delicious vegetable and learning a few things about it.

  • Capsicum comes in many different colours. The main colours are red,yellow,orange and green
  • The green capsicum is the most bitter tasting, and the red is the sweetest
  • Capsicum doesn't need to be pollinated by a bee to grow
  • If you look at the bottom of the capsicum and it has 3 bumps it is a boy, and if it has 4 bumps it is a girl.
  • Capsicum is part of the chilies family
  • Capsicum can be used in many different dishes such as on pizza, in salads, by itself.
  • We found out that Capsicum floats
  • We tried some sliced capsicum and made our own little pizzas. It was delicious!
Next week's food of the week is... Cabbage!!!

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